Saturday, July 27, 2024
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Simple Token is a utility token enabling any company to create, launch, and manage their own branded digital token economy without the technical, legal, and regulatory risks involved with having an entire blockchain team.

Simple Token is a utility token enabling any company to

Real estate startup Reali Brings In $9 Million

Real estate startup Reali announced the completion of $9 million


Shift, a productivity tool originally created to help users manage multiple Gmail accounts, launched its 2.0 product version. Shift 2.0 allows users to switch

WayDev is an analytics SaaS product that offers software development metrics for non-techies. It bridges the gap between project managers and developers by distilling

Pointzi is an user experience developer tool that provides design-and-deliver mobile onboarding instantly. The makers claim that it is the only code-free way to

The team at Facebook redrew a range of devices to show the global diversity of the people using its products. Each device comes with

Yeti is an Android and iPhone mobile app that allows users to control their entire smart home by scheduling repetitive daily tasks. It also

Token Baby is an investing and cryptocurrencies ICO newsletter that allows users to stay up-to-date with high quality, researched token sales so they never

Git is the de facto standard for version control systems, and getting to know it is an important skill for every developer. But learning

The Overseer app helps engineers perform faster root cause analysis using machine learning. The app integrates with existing monitoring tools to fetch developers’ dashboards,