Saturday, February 22, 2025
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IVP Adds Humu to Its Portfolio

IVP announced its investment in Humu, a behavioral change software company designed to help people increase productivity through proprietary technology rooted in science and machine learning. IVP is the lead

0 is a marketplace for renting items from other members. To post a listing, users sign up and link their PayPal accounts to receive

Blueprint Registry is an app that provides a way for people to ask for cash gifts. It is a universal gift registry that gives

Sparkly offers daily inspirational text messages to help people kick-start their days, featuring more than 5,000 inspirational quotes. Research has shown that messages can

Plan-It Dinner is a web app that seeks to make cooking at home easy with weekly menus and recipes. Users can personalize the menus

Logo Crunch is a design app that uses computer vision to make multi-resolution favicons and app icons. Most favicon generators create blurry-looking icons. Logo

Essentials is a design productivity tool that provides a flexible and customizable sketch kit. It helps users quickly design mockups and prototypes with a

The Grovemade Desk Shelf System is a productivity product that brings clarity and intention to modern workspaces, giving users control of clutter and and

Atlassian is a developer tool that provides end-to-end design language to create straightforward and beautiful experiences. Some key offerings of the Atlassian design system