Friday, May 17, 2024
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Gary is a headphone organizer that prevents headphone cord tangles. The 2.0 version’s improved features include a narrower size to fit most pockets, and a wider bobbin to accommodate thinner, longer cords. Gary 2.0 is currently running its Kickstarter campaign with a minimum pledge of


Pixave is a robust image organizer that supports a diverse range of formats with systematic management using Collections. Their easy-to-use Drag and Drop is now tailored to the iOS platform and offers Share Extension, which allows iPad users to easily transfer media from various types


Canadian startup Picniic completed $2 million in financing from Telenor. Picniic is a next-generation family organizer with the goal of becoming the ‘operating system for the home.’ All family members can easily access Picniic to keep everyone organized and on the same page, with features such