Monday, May 20, 2024
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Vinyl Recorder is a tech product that records and edits vinyl records straight to users’ phones. Using Gracenote integration, Vinyl Recorder cuts up the sound into individual tracks and adds album artwork, songs and album titles, and artists and genre tags automatically. The app is


Diarium is a top-rated Android Windows' journaling app. Diarium can automatically incorporate extensive information into users’ diary entries, including pictures, walked steps, weather or social media activity. Users can password-protect the app and sync data with the corresponding Windows app. Diarium was the built by Timo


Tempow is an Android Internet-of-things product that provides streaming music on up to four Bluetooth devices simultaneously. With Tempow, users can broadcast and sync audio streams from a single device to multiple Bluetooth speakers and headphones, regardless of manufacturer. Multi-Bluetooth Audio by Motorola x Tempow was