Sunday, May 12, 2024
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users can let the Moov Studio app’s trainers expertly guide them through each workout, encourage their progress, and celebrate their achievements.

For those who want to bring the studio class experience

Financial Technology Startup Dosh Cashback Secures $4.9 Million

According to a recent SEC filing, Dosh closed $4.9 million


Claire Budget is an iPhone productivity app that offers fast and easy budgeting and a simple way to keep track of personal finances. The

Laïka allows users to watch, play and reward their dogs right from their smartphones. Laïka has multi-directional movement capabilities to help users interact and

TaxDrop is an iPhone fintech mobile app that helps users get their taxes done in 10 minutes. It connects users with licensed CPAs who

Story Slicer is an iPhone social media tool that cuts long videos into slices to post as Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, or VK stories. Users

Pavemint provides rental parking by connecting people looking for parking with people who have spaces to share. Homeowners can list vacant driveways or parking