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Canvas Secures $6 Million

Canvas Secures  Million

Mobile startup Canvas announced it has secured $6 million in financing from an undisclosed investor.

Canvas is a cloud-based software service that allows businesses to replace expensive and inefficient paper forms with apps on their smartphones and tablets. It enables users easily to collect information using mobile devices, share that information and integrate with existing backend systems. Canvas also offers a business-only application store that offers more than 13,000 pre-built, customizable apps that work on all mobile platforms and serve multiple vertical markets.

Every Canvas app is customizable by the end user and can incorporate functionality such as GPS, image capture, dispatch, barcode scanning, electronic signatures, push notifications and access to business data, including parts catalogs, price lists, and patient records. To date, Canvas claims it has automated millions of manual processes and replaced more than 30 tons of paper for businesses, making it one of the fastest growing mobile app services in the world.