The Godfather of Video Games Launches Enterprise-Level VR Company

Gaming veteran Nolan Bushnell, founder of Atari, and inventor Jason Crawford announced this week the launch of Modal VR™, a virtual reality technology solution company that the duo built specifically for enterprise users.

Modal VR Hardware Set | Credit:
The Modal VR platform comes with an innovative hardware set that allows users to set up infrastructures for virtual reality experiences at any place within a matter of minutes. The portable and wireless suite powers full-body tracking for up to ten users simultaneously in areas as large as 900,000 sq. ft. per VR scenario. Modal VR also includes a Command Center™ system, available on both PC and Mac, with which users can download and install VR applications custom-designed for Modal’s interfaces.
The Modal VR platform enables developers to create VR applications for a wide range of uses, from real estate visualization and virtual museum trips to experiential marketing campaigns and virtual training sessions for law enforcement officers.
“We hope Modal VR will help expand our understanding of what is possible and help push the industry forward in different ways,” said founder Jason Crawford in the press release announcing the launch. Crawford has consulted leading brands such as Samsung, Hasbro, and Nickelodeon on user experience designs in gaming.

Nolan Bushnell, co-founder of Modal VR | Credit:
In addition to Modal VR’s comprehensive VR technology offering, the company has attracted attention because of the involvement of legendary cofounder Nolan Bushnell, considered by many to be the founding father of the video game industry. Bushnell founded Atari, Inc., a developer of arcade games and video game consoles, in 1972, and it was among the first companies that created electronic entertainment in the 70s and 80s. Bushnell was inducted into the Video Game Hall of Fame, as well as the Consumer Electronics Association Hall of Fame.
“Modal VR is helping enterprises solve problems and collaborate differently,” Bushnell said of his newest venture. “Modal VR’s system and the software that runs on it makes it very different than what’s already on the market today.”