No Guys Allowed! Female-Exclusive Ride-Hailing Platform “See Jane Go” Launches

See Jane Go, Inc., announced the launch of its new gender-exclusive ride-hailing platform for women drivers and passengers. The service will start operating in Orange County, California, this fall and will later expand into selected cities. The company is currently recruiting drivers and soliciting investors and affiliate partners.
Surprisingly, See Jane Go was actually founded by a man, William Jordan, after he became worried about his two daughters carpooling with strange men. The new company aims to provide a safe and trustworthy alternative to traditional ride-hailing services. Jordan believes that creating a gender-specific environment can encourage higher adoption of rideshare among females who are otherwise deterred by safety concerns.

Kimberly Toonen | Credit: See Jane Go
With an all-female C-Suite team, See Jane Go is on a bigger mission to advance the culture of women-helping-women. If women don’t need to be apprehensive about taking on sketchy male passengers, they can more easily take advantage of the economic benefits offered by the booming sharing economy. In a gesture demonstrating the company’s commitment to helping women, 2% of its net revenue will be donated to nonprofits that empower women and young girls.
According to the company, while See Jane Go is a women-driving-women ride-hail company, men can ride along if they are “hosted” — accompanied by a female Jane account holder who vouches for them.
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